Monday, October 17, 2011

Guess what? I'm a 4th grader now, and it's really hard. And my birthday is almost coming up in four more days. Today I want to tell you what I want for my birthday. I know I haven't posted a blog in a long while but here's what I want for my birthday.

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean Lego

  1. Miniature Colly named Jacks

  1. A desk

  1. I also kind of want money
  1. Minecraft


 I know it's not that much, but clothes will do. I used to have a BIG wishlist, but now I just shortened it A LOT. I know I have no ideas for what to do in my blogs, but it's just too hard to post them, it takes me until my bedtime which is 8:00 to finish posts. Soon I'm going to change the name of my blog if I can because like I told you, I'm a 4th grader now. 

 Okay, Bye now, I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I have to go to bed now. :)